Thursday, March 27, 2008

From Sue Holmes

It seems I have inadvertantly strayed on to "posting" a message.
If I have--greetings to everyone, and thank you to Kate for setting this up.
Julius, I am very keen to see the extra pix that you discovered--AND a letter from my Mum to yours---hope it was a newsy one--Mum's letters weren't always the most newsy of missives.
Bini, you asked what happened next--once the blog was set up--I hope this is what happens, but I hope too that I will find my way back to adding to the Blog if this is indeed the way.
This is becoming very exciting--
Much love to you all, Sue


julius said...

Well, I am still struggling to post a blog and also some photos. I cannot see the photo posted by Sue?

Anyone help.


julius said...

Also I notice the time is probably set to East Coast of USA time rather than GMT or whatever it is called now.


julius said...

Letter & new pics will have to wait till I have a stroke of inspiration or someone snds me directions.



(I hope we can delete all these inane trying to walk postings as soon as we are literate!!)